Sunday, October 13, 2013

Give us a programming-alarm PRH is set over normln human temperature (36.6 degrees Celsius)-camera

Pig Chipko captured on kamerch. Thanks threat of a pandemic virus A/H1N1 pedstavily aged systmy monitorujc Pasar be used for termlnch cameras. As the first such systems were nainstalovny the aged in n and Singapour during the SARS epidemic in 2002/2003. Termln cameras are able to detect small changes in temperature, also the activity of TTO method is high. Obrzky are not propel the IRI2010 termln IRISYS cameras with sensitivity to 0.3 degrees Celsius. Camera zajiuje both video and thermal jvcom map.
Give us a programming-alarm PRH is set over normln human temperature (36.6 degrees Celsius)-camera warn me persönlich znzornnm first to screen and alarm sound. Tmto manner are detekovni people with the temperature you who would MLI btdle vyeteni. According violin bow of zazen, cob virus A/H1N1 on this zazen stle you requirements are.
Video monitorovn in Kolch. Cameras pouvan in Kolch may bt exposed zkenm akcm by nkterch student (eg Changing the direction of traffic, or even trying All damaged on zazen). For podmnek of these are ideal eenmnrazu proof camera, also as a color camera M10744 and M10746, PMO-mounted to a wall or ceiling.
The cameras are easy to install and udrovateln-dome can be sett. Thanks uzvru camera and lens inside the dome, zajiuje Such cameras diskrtn pozorovn-is obtn record SMRA hel pozorovn. Cameras umouj VBR lens. They can be used bt nap. vppad monitorovn dlouhch corridors where large focal lens vzdlenost will be necessary for securing personal identification. Zvlt dleit is monitorovn entering the building. The cameras would be on of these towns MLY vchzejc clearly identify jvcom the person. jvcom Cameras vtchto towns by MLY bt umstny to enter or by MLY mt long focal vzdlenost only to cover the two. Because the risk peexponovn (nhl changes in light dv), doporuuje jvcom for these purposes camera with Wide Dynamic Technology, for example. SN-586C / B WDR M11208.
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