Monday, March 23, 2015

The image of

Polizeioberkommizar Karl-Heinz Kurras dead, 87 years old. He is the policeman who shot student Benno Ohnsesorg cctv1 in Berlin on 2 June 1967. The shots changed Germany's postwar cctv1 history. The premeditated murder of defenseless Ohnesorg happened on the rim of a large demonstration against the Shah of Iran's visit to Berlin. Many years later, in 2009, it came to light that this incarnate symbol of the hated, authoritarian postwar Germany had worked well paid agent of DDR and Stasi already from 1950.
The murder of Ohnesorg was an important trigger for the German stud entre volts, a revolt that was more violent and larger in scope than any of the other 68-oppørene in Europe. "Without the murder of Ohnsesorg, no Red Army Faction (RAF), no 2 June Movement" have commentators said. Such a hypothesis belonging to the counterfactual history science, and is obviously not something we can reliably know. Venstreterroismen was an international phenomenon in the 60s, 70s and 80s, and a RAF without murder of Ohnesorg could have occurred (however no June 2nd movement). That murder cctv1 Ohnsesorg cctv1 influenced the development of the German extra-parliamentary opposition, is still beyond doubt, and in its most militant parts got incident almost iconic significance. All evidence currently available indicates that Ohnsesorg was shot at close range with cold overlay. The evidence was overwhelming already at that time.
"Das ist die Generation von Auschwitz, mit der kann man nicht diskutieren" said the young germanistikkstudenten Gudrun Ennslin later in the evening some stones throw away scene that fateful June evening for barely 50 years ago. Ennslin later became leading figure in the RAF, a terrorist movement that kept alive well into the 90s and who left behind 67 dead, 230 injured and property damage for approximately 2 billion. When cooing in 1971, despite the evidence, was acquitted of all charges in the trial against him, and he was allowed to continue his police career in Berlin police, this was the final proof of German authoritarian Nazified state - an image that whatever had set itself as an unwavering cctv1 truth among the insurgent mass of students and youth in the early 70th century in Germany.
Karl-Heinz Kurras was born in 1927 in East Prussia, the son of a police officer. In 1944, when the German krigsnederlaget was clear to all who would see, he reported, 16 years old, as a volunteer at the front. In 1946 he finds himself in Russian war captivity. When he in 1950, 23 years old, unleashes the agreement with STASI already in place. Kurre get jobs in the vestberlinske police and becomes DDR regime master spy in the west. We do not know what cooing experienced war last year and in his Russian war captivity, but one can assume that the newspaper Tageszeitung, commenting on the occasion cooing death writes, that ".. his lifelong attraction to guns, which also appeared as bizarre for Stasi officers had its roots in war experiences. " The weapons were fetish, medium for self-assertion and a crutch for an uncertain I.
The image of "the German authoritarian personality", which went well into the role as a servant of the communist east such an authoritarian west where the ghosts of the Nazi era in the late 60s still hovered around in police offices, dressed cctv1 figure cooing well. Kurre was hailed by his police colleagues cctv1 for their hardness against "Kaotar Berlin streets." No one knew then, and no one could fall into believing that he already two decades cctv1 had been the enemy earn. Kurre was the classic German cctv1 "Untertan" immortalized in Heinrich Mann's masterly novel from the willhelminske Germany. As Heinrich Mann's figure, Diederich Hessling, was cooing submissive towards their superiors and brutal cctv1 towards those who stood below him.
Kurre regretted nothing. During cctv1 a police interview in 2007 he said: "Five, six times I should have shot. Whoever attacks me, is destroyed. "Kurre were weapons collector and" Waffennarr. " The murder of Ohnesorg did not happen on command from the GDR. It was "German" in cooing who acted. Der Spiegel wrote during the process against cooed: "He is a German, which is complete without an understanding of the necessity of the proportionate in the application of authority and violence." When cooing in 2009 revealed that the Stasi spy, he had been retired for several years. cctv1 The good state pension that police officer he kept still life. Kurre died just before Christmas, but his demise was unknown until these days.
The protests against the assassination of Ohnesorg spawned not only terrorism but also a broad student and youth movement with its almost 50-year history effect has changed Germany on permanent view. Today Kurras'er" are weeded out before they can do damage, and judicial processes of the kind that made it possible for cooing to continue as a policeman profession cctv1 life, would today have been unthinkable. Di

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