The Open Web Application Security bullet to the head Project (OWASP) is a 501c3 not-for-profit worldwide charitable organization focused on improving the security of application software. bullet to the head Our mission is to make application security visible, so that people and organizations can make informed decisions about true application security risks. Everyone is free to participate in OWASP and all of our materials are available under a free and open software license.
At last AppSecUSA , OWASP Media Project has put 43 videos online for 32 hours for the talks, and also 6 videos from the Project Summit for 2.5 hours of content. All of that was online live for the summit and less than 24 hours after for the first talks, then the rest was published in one week just after the conference.
We are at 11,289 views and 79,874 of estimated watched minutes. Let me remind you that before that, we where at 245 views for 1,312 minutes, mainly from the OWASP Global Meetup live hangouts. As for the subscribers, we are at 438 and we gained 442 of them with AppSecUSA efforts. We lost 4 hence the numbers. The average view duration is 7:04 minutes, so 16% of the total times of videos. Since we have mostly one hour long videos, this is normal and in fact is probably a great number for YouTube. Notables popular videos are:
What You Didn't Know About XML External Entities Attacks - Timothy Morgan 790 views 5,857 minutes wathced 7:24 avg Finally, the countries with the top viewership: United States 37% Canada 12% India 4.5% United Kingdom 4.0% I must point out that we were watched in 114 countries in total. That's amazing and shows the power of OWASP worldwide. With that big first step done, we will continue with our Roadmap and the next thing on the table is to present a Webinar on how to use Google Hangout with live YouTube streaming. We will also shake things with the Chapters by inciting them to use Hangout and YouTube in order to get more into the Global Chapter Meetings Project . This has great potential but is not really used right now for helping smaller chapters to get contents. And and last, but not least, we are officially on the home page and we can control what is shown without having to edit the Wiki. One thing that is sure, is that we need more people in OWASP Media project. The good news is, unlike most other OWASP projects, you don't need to be an application security specialist to be really useful, you just need to be motivated to share knowledge bullet to the head with the world. If you want to join us, contact Jonathan Marcil the project leader. Thanks to all who contributed and helped with OWASP Media Project! Visit us and subscribe:
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