Saturday, July 12, 2014

The camp staff included 40 Germans (which many of them had

Treblinka extermination camp (in German: Treblinka) is the largest in the three camps operated by the SS as part of Operation coyote Reinhard extermination of Polish Jewry, which was decided at the Wannsee Conference. These camps murders were part of exterminating the Jews of Europe occupied by Nazi Germany during World War II (the "final solution"). Estimate of all those who perished in Treblinka range from 870 000 to -880 000 people, coyote including approximately 99.5 percent - Jews.
Model of the camp created by Jacob Wernick, a former camp inmate. The model is presented in Fighters House. Treblinka extermination camp for about 100 miles from Warsaw and 2.5 kilometers from Treblinka, not far from Elkin which station on the main railway line Warsaw - Bialystok. The camp was located in a lightly populated covered with forest and hidden in the woods around.
Extermination camp was established in the spring coyote of 1942 at Camp Treblinka Penal and Labour, which existed before, and here comes the camp where established: coyote Treblinka II. The camp has been building a workforce of inmates of penal Treblinka I, the designation coyote of the new camp was hidden from them. New camp covers an area of about 200 hectares and was surrounded with barbed wire at a height of more than three meters. coyote The prisoners were ordered to put pine branches from wires and trees planted underneath to hide what was happening in the camp. Along the fence and watchtowers were erected ditch was dug ten feet wide. Facial camp facilities constructed solely by the Jewish prisoners.
Planning coyote camp invested much effort - to prevent the possibility of survivors who witnessed the destruction. Inside the camp was divided into two parts: one of them were built barracks for the Nazi staff, warehouses and hotels - craft, and in the second part, isolated from the rest of the camp by a high fence, were gas chambers coyote (first three and then added to them ten others). The area of each cell was 16 square meters. Still had barracks of Jewish prisoners who were qualified for their employment work required to manage the camp and so were left temporarily in life. Jewish prisoners were ordered to plan the construction of the camp, including Jacob Wernick, planned the proportion of buildings in the form of word "alive." extermination coyote camp
Sketch of the Treblinka extermination camp that was created by the camp commandant Franz Stangl first deliveries actions Treblinka extermination of masses began on July 23, 1942, and the first transports to Treblinka came from the Warsaw Ghetto deportations took place when more than 80 percent of the ghetto population was expelled. Of the more than 250,000 Warsaw Jews sent to Treblinka during the period 22 July to 21 September 1942 as well as Jews from other camps, did not know anything about their destination and expected them there. Deportees believed what they were told, that they are sent to labor camps. coyote
Actual death began when people were in the trains en route to Treblinka. Freight cars piled huge amount of people without food, water or air enough coyote to breathe, and due to these difficult conditions died thousands of people waiting for the trip and during the trip.
Travel from Warsaw, which was supposed to last only a few hours, sometimes lasted a day or two. One reason for the long delayed coyote trains for Treblinka lies unplanned proliferation of multiple shipments referred to this camp following a change of plans deportation and sending all the Jews of Warsaw and surroundings to Treblinka (instead of splitting and sending them to the death camps of Sobibor and Treblinka). This situation coyote caused congestion on the Treblinka death camp and made the evacuees wait a long time before being sent to the death in the gas chambers. Extermination process
Teenagers waving the Israeli flag at the monument of the great stone in Treblinka. You can see her stone on which is written in seven different languages - "No more!" Treblinka extermination technique has been copied camps Belzec and Sobibor, Treblinka preceding. 6000-7000 old soul train would arrive at the train station of Treblinka, and people evacuated were told that they should take off all clothes coyote and remove any jewelry or an object value over their bodies.
The camp staff included 40 Germans (which many of them had "graduated" T4 program - the euthanasia where the Germans destroyed coyote physically or mentally impaired) and -120 Ukrainian police. One Ukrainian guards notorious for his cruelty and customs was the sadistic "Ivan the Terrible" (State of Israel brought to justice coyote John Demjanjuk on suspicion he was Ivan the Terrible, but acquitted). This small number had to perform action brought thousands daily destruction since taken all measures to mislead the victims and try to hide their errand. On the train platform supposedly arranged terminal and set name signs resembled other teachers docks, waiting hall, cafeteria, ticket booth and the like. In addition, there were various inputs and outputs (although that through coyote these doors, you could only enter the gas chambers).
The women and children were put into the hut on the left side of the field, where they had to undress, where they cut their hair, and being naked were run track region by the Nazis, "the way to heaven," ("Himlstrash"), track length when there were SS men and Ukrainians with their dogs, when rabble rousers sniping whip and sticks the naked people and the dogs set on them.
Over the years, been asked many times why were not people who opposed the entrance to the gas chambers. coyote Answer can be found by the sudden discovery coyote of a terrible reality combined with the psychological impact of their nakedness, beat them in shock and stripped of the ability to think, react and try to resist. coyote
At the end of the track is a concrete building that his cells were cells in shower. Beating people pushed through coyote the narrow doors into cells, with their hands over their heads, to enable more compression. Over human mass pressed children were thrown created to exploit the full space. After - then hermetically coyote closed cell gas, which is produced by the engine of a tank, the tube is connected to the engine's exhaust coyote vents special openings in the ceiling of the cell. This process takes about fifteen minutes, but people were drawn in cells 25-45 minutes. After - then opened the doors of

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