Thursday, September 11, 2014

Name: MILIANI RACHID À Propos: Résponsable du bureau du service mobile guard spy verizon de lutte c

Blog: literacy and non-formal education Description: Blog bilingue (Arabe-Français) traitant divers sujets. articles éducatifs et instructifs mobile guard spy verizon qui sont en relation directe ou indirecte avec la lutte contre l'analphabétisation et l'éducation non formelle nationale ou internationale. Contact
Name: MILIANI RACHID À Propos: Résponsable du bureau du service mobile guard spy verizon de lutte contre l'analphabetisation et l'éducation non formelle à la délégation de l'enseignement CASA-ANFA

The illiteracy and dropout mobile guard spy verizon one of the most important imbalances of the major suffers from the educational system in Morocco, as of up to about 40%, according to official statistics, mobile guard spy verizon a total of about 9 million Moroccan, including more than one million children between the ages of 9 and 14 years out of school, do not know how to read and write, not to mention nearly 370 thousand more children are leaving school drop out annually. In spite of the efforts, still illiteracy constitutes a major obstacle in the march of Morocco developmental and revealed the outcome of the season 2008/2007 about literacy prepared by the Ministry of National Education and Higher Education, Staff Training and Scientific Research that more than three million citizen benefited from literacy programs, and benefited more than 330,000 children from second chance programs, and more than 450 thousand pupils of educational support within the system of non-formal education, since the launching mobile guard spy verizon of the approach and preventive bold to reduce the dropout of school based on the vigilance educational educational institutions and assured mobile guard spy verizon Philip Kiomdar UNESCO Office in Rabat that the high proportion of illiteracy in Morocco pose a significant impediment to local development, adding that it should be within the framework of the strategies adopted in the field of literacy study the links between the phenomenon of dropout and the quality of learning Balslkin primary and secondary in order to enable children mobile guard spy verizon and young people the skills of sustainable educational scored UNESCO representative that the vision of integrated literacy and development and the reduction of Poverty has been enhanced thanks to the National Initiative for Human Development, which reflects the political engagement of the Moroccan authorities in the field of approach integrated human development and utilized the results of the national research of illiteracy and lack of schooling mobile guard spy verizon and dropout accomplished mobile guard spy verizon sector literacy and non-formal education late 2006, this ratio stood at 38.5% (46.8% in women versus 31.4% in men and 27.2% in urban areas compared to 54.4% in rural areas). The record census for the year 2004, 43% and if the number of beneficiaries of literacy programs had been known, up from one year to another, mobile guard spy verizon where he moved from 180 thousand years 1998 1999 to 286 thousand in 2002 2003 to reach more than 650 thousand beneficiaries and beneficiary Year 2007 2008 Despite the encouraging results, but the current pace remains insufficient for the virtual elimination of illiteracy in 2015, due to the magnitude of the phenomenon and problematic dropout who constantly that feed the ranks of the Secretary. Women represent more than 80% of the total beneficiaries of literacy programs that target adult illiteracy static mobile guard spy verizon 15 years and older, with priority given to women aged 15 and 45 years old and rural areas. 50% of the beneficiaries are from rural areas, according to recent statistics, the number mobile guard spy verizon of cases of dropout in the corps of primary pupils enrolled who dropped out of the study 0.216 thousand and 176, and the number of females of whom 114 thousand and 674, whereas, the total rate of dropout to 5.6 per cent, 6.8 per cent of females. mobile guard spy verizon The number of cases of school drop-wire mobile guard spy verizon secondary, drawing the same period 0.167 thousand and 929, of which 67 thousand and 391 case involving mobile guard spy verizon females, but in terms of average, the males, representing 13.2 per cent and females 11.8 per cent while the number of cases of dropout at the secondary level qualification, mobile guard spy verizon amounted to a total of 75 thousand and 861, including 35 thousand and 981 female charges. mobile guard spy verizon And passes mobile guard spy verizon away rate of wastage in this segment of 12.3 per cent for males and 12.1 per cent and the number of teachers working in sections 218 thousand mobile guard spy verizon and 850, formed of them women, mobile guard spy verizon 55 thousand loss Morocco, according to a study carried out by the State Secretariat for Literacy previously in collaboration with UNICEF about drop The study in Morocco , each year spent in child primary school capable of achieving 12.7% of raising the level of income compared to 10.4% in high school and increase the profit point when the girls to be a total loss for the community half the proportion of annual income for the year 2004, approximately 2.8 billion dirhams as warned the Arab Organization for Education, Science and Culture ALECSO that statistics indicate rising scary number of illiterates in the Arab countries, including Morocco, the transmission of the total number of 50 million in 1990 to 70 million in 2005, has alerted the organization during the conference held in Tunis that the current efforts in the field of literacy literacy focus in the majority on the side alphabetical, and said that Arab governments only to fight ignorance mobile guard spy verizon by focusing on the basics of reading, writing and some of the account without paying mobile guard spy verizon attention to functional literacy and cultural and civilizational and raise the professionalism of its citizens but confusion bulk is not in the adult only

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