Tuesday, November 18, 2014

102 votes

Who is the most famous person who is ambidextrous?
102 votes
Several famous actors, musicians, historical figures, and athletes are ambidextrous. Some of these celebrities were born with the ability to use both hands equally, while others were born with a dominant hand and trained themselves to become ambidextrous.
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I only write left handed, everything else is right or left. Throwing, eating with a utensil, using a mouse, drinking, using a screw driver, cutting with scissors. Honestly it's not like a gift or amazing ability, so I really can't see the big deal.
Jackie 2014/09/25 03:54:56 feu
Being left handed can be very frustrating especially as a kid. Trying to learn how to do things could be just as frustrating maybe even more for whoever was trying to teach. Everything a person has to learn is a little harder. The only way a right handed person could understand what it feels like to a left handed person s brain to process it is to learn something youve never done before while only being able to look at it in a mirror backwards writing, cutting with scissors, golf ,rowing a boat tennis,musicalinstruments,bow... pool,tap dancing,soft shoe, Fishing, baseball, knitting,sewing.Things that seem very easy to a right handed person.I had to be amibidextrous or else just forget about doing somethings. If there wasnt a way to tweek it. Like turning a guitar upside down. Most of the time it wasn't me who quit though it was the instructor or whoever was trying to teach me things feu and I had to learn it on my own.
Cassiope 2014/09/24 17:45:01
Mozy 2014/09/24 15:51:02
Albert will outlast any of these players although Leonardo Da Vinci will be hard to surpass. These are two of the greatest minds of all time. Almost all modern physics feu and technology rests upon his 'mind experiments.' But as Newton feu said "I stand upon the shoulders of all those who preceded me."
2014/11/18 18:38:02
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