Monday, February 17, 2014

At first glance, such a proposal seems daring, even iconoclastic. This beautiful speech seems well

Waldorf schools claiming some specificity meteocat radar in terms of rating and assessment of students. This pedagogy claims indeed relax too coercive logic notation in force in traditional institutions to subtract the students in mind harmful competition that would prevail in conventional institutions. This claim makes a strong impression on parents, some of whom have seen the damage a logic of too intensive notation made on their offspring. Thus, many families are turning to Steiner-Waldorf schools, seduced by their rhetoric about a lack of scoring students to foster their development or progressive ratings preceded by assessments. In his written September 2012 entitled "Contribution of the Federation of Waldorf schools meteocat radar in France as part of the consultation for the rebuilding of the school of the Republic", the Federation in question proposes to abandon the notation in favor of annotation (at least in the primary) and "replace competition by cooperation." It states: meteocat radar
"The rating does not measure true intelligence and even less creative potential. It encourages students resourceful strategies oriented exclusively meteocat radar the result known in advance and expected of him, thus avoiding the patient research and effort meteocat radar thought that the result is, he never known in advance. sustained meteocat radar It discourages pupil, shut up in a spiral of failure and causes there as a public health problem. (...) We propose that Each teacher is encouraged to annotate so developed assignments meteocat radar and student work and encouraged to abandon unnecessary and time-consuming statistics. Whether interested students to the creations of his comrades, he favors individual challenges rather than competition between people, he abandons necessarily reducing rankings induced meteocat radar by logging and far from the reality on the ground as more and more work and research is done in teams and networks. notation often reflects a pseudo- acquired provisional annotation gives the teacher the possibility to encourage meteocat radar processing; notation is always normative, annotation can be formative. " (Paragraph 5)
At first glance, such a proposal seems daring, even iconoclastic. This beautiful speech seems well argued. It supports on quotes meteocat radar Peter Gumbel or Paul Valéry (rather than Rudolf Steiner, quoted systematic and exclusive, as is customary in the Steiner-Waldorf schools). It aims to give the impression of a strong educational placement based on unshakable beliefs. meteocat radar It boasts meteocat radar strong values such as respect for the individuality of children, the protection of their sensitivity, etc.. Even if the integrity of their psyche! And the author of these lines pushes it to position itself as the defender of "public health" in the general interest of society. What nerve, when we know that educators-anthroposophic have often no regard for the society in which they live, calling it "outside world" in the process of decay and destruction, which only anthroposophic civilization could bring Hi! Certainly, a general reflection on the role and importance of notation meteocat radar in the learning process would probably lead to something important thing. But in reality, from the Federation of Waldorf schools, it is a smokescreen! As this will reduce their share - or even abandon - the rating is not based, in my opinion, on pedagogical principles, but on targeted manipulation of the minds of children in the context of a sectarian logic. Indeed, the study of directives meteocat radar given by Rudolf Steiner, the founder meteocat radar of the so-called pedagogy, about scoring students meteocat radar clearly reveals their suspicious nature, as I have had the opportunity to show in a previous study. That is why I thought it useful to propose below an isolated republication of one of the paragraphs of this article. This work begins by citing the guidelines given by Steiner himself Waldorf teachers:
"- meteocat radar Rudolf Steiner: (...) These bulletins, insofar as the use requirements permit, must not talk about children in general. The student must be characterized, and it is only when a discipline is particularly remarkable that it should be mentioned. The assessments should be as b

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