Friday, November 29, 2013

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On day 17, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a member of the World Health Organization (WHO) included environmental pollution as one of the elements that cause cancer in humans, with special emphasis on the case of lung but also in the bladder.
94% of the Spanish population breathe unhealthy air beyond tolerable health, which translates to 19,940 premature deaths per year, ie, ten times more than deaths from road traffic accidents, according to the study "Quality Air in the Spanish State in 2012. " mobile guard verizon spy
The Ministry has published mobile guard verizon spy a report on air quality, "though not confronted with the WHO values but of the policy and does not include the amount of data affected population, but does so through some maps." mobile guard verizon spy In short, the situation is "grave and disturbing, although in recent years there has been a moderate reduction not attributable to that are doing things right."
Ecologists in Action has stated that the main courses of action to reduce pollution by passing traffic mobile guard verizon spy reduction, the promotion of public transport, the adoption of industry best technology and the drastic reduction of electricity generation by thermal power stations. Poor air quality affects 400,000 premature deaths annually in the territory of the European Union, of which almost 20,000 are recorded in Spain, explained at a press conference spokespeople Ecologists in Action.
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