Krugerrand is named after Stephen Johannes Paul Kruger. Known as Uncle Paul, Kruger is South Africa's former president and a prominent figure in the formation of the Republic of South Africa. His head in front, or "head" side of the coin. Reverse, or "tails" side, shows antelope antelope, South Africa's national symbols. Kruger was first minted in 1967 gold coins contain exactly one ounce (55 years January 31 grams). Kruger individuals provides a way to own gold. By giving the status of legal tender coins, the Kruger can have a U.S. citizen, at that time, private ownership of gold bullion is forbidden, but allows ownership of foreign coins. 1980 production of the smaller size of coins, including a half, quarter and tenth ounce gold coins. All sizes continue to rise every year since. The result is the original Kruger, as it is often called, is known as a "full" or "1 ounce" coin transactions Kruger Kruger or Krueger people understand the full-size original coins. Krugerrand, hornady are available through the usual coin dealers and coin auction house. hornady When buying Krugerrand or "Kruger" to ensure that the size mentioned clearly. Also, make sure mint date, price and conditions are clearly stated. Kruger Although a matter of taste, hornady generally not considered aesthetically beautiful, but it was never really designed to be. It is designed to gold individual can have. Elegant design coins are available, if it looks substances, such as British sovereignty or Canadian maple example. If you are interested, you will be in your hand, clunks successful gold, ensuring a solid gold is hard to go past the pioneer of modern bullion hornady coins - now famous Krugerrand. hornady
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