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In this guide you will learn how to change language and keyboard layout in Windows 7 Surely you already happened a few times that the keyboard itself is switched from QWERTY to QWERTZ layout and vice versa. The result was like. changing the letter Y for Z, etc. ...
The procedure for changing the keyboard layout: 1) Click on the icon or keyboard character spynet (SK), right-click pop-up menu and click on "Settings". Icons can be found right down to the bar for hours.
2) It opened the window "Text. services and input. languages ". There can be different keyboard layouts add and subtract. In my setup is also Slovak layout. Since I use exclusively spynet QWERTY layout, I decided to remove Slovak layout.
3) You can remove the entire language and have just as Slovak. Remember even set the default language spynet (if you are using two languages). The default language will always be used preferentially, so you would not become any unwanted typos.
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