Saturday, February 14, 2015

Other phases of the article: Please select 201501,02 201 412 201 411 201 410 201 409 201 408 201 40

Eating "sugar Friends" to be vigilant burst table glycemic foods | all Health | Healthy Living | Magazine | Newsletter fid is outside when the family is diabetic friendly food, how to eat healthy in order to control blood sugar? Dietitians provide food you choose three principles of eating three skills, then attach NG food list, so you better control of blood sugar to eat at ease! Diet principles diabetes itself is a bit complicated when the patient is eating fid family when, in the end how to eat to balance blood sugar stable and convenience? The talk of the town next door with diabetes, the body is sick, to see if he is eating out every meal, so continue to eat, I am really worried about him. Please nutritionist to answer this chapter, fid people with diabetes face of today's fid complex environment, eating, how to eat the fishes? ! Three principles diabetics choose dishes principle 1 eating sugar does not need to control the nervous, neurotic, Mackay Memorial Hospital dietitian Huangzhe Hui nutrition class analysis, although everyone says too much fat is not good, but there is no oil in fact for diabetics "Now, direct" harm should be clear enough that the sugar content of each meal, because it directly affects the meal blood sugar after a meal. Fats, if not junk food, such as: salty fried chicken, fried chicken, fried potato chips, etc., generally do not have excessive worry pour cooking fid oil. Taipei Medical University Hospital, director of nutrition Suxiu Yue pointed out that the most important is to achieve total diabetic diet to control the amount of sugar, sugar and sugar are interchangeable. If we can label the nutritional content of food, knowing the number of grams of carbohydrates contained, so long as they can within a daily range of edible total sugar, sugary sweets can be eaten; but because more sugary sweets empty calories (contain high calories, but the lack of or containing only a small amount of essential vitamins, minerals and proteins) of junk food, it should minimize or tasted. Such as a pineapple fid cake (about 27 grams), the nutrition label to know the sugar content is 19.5 grams; that if eating a pineapple cake, you should fid eat about 1/3 cup of rice 65 grams (including 20 grams sugars), to control the total amount of sugar intake. But we do not encourage such substitution, because pineapple cakes as high sugar and high oil empty-calorie foods, healthy foods do not belong to the scope of the proposal. Dietitians encourage people with diabetes to high nutrient density of sugary foods to replace rice, sweet potatoes, such as 60 grams, 130 grams of pumpkin, 110 grams of yam, etc., in exchange for a bowl of rice 50 1/4 grams to improve your diet intake of various nutrients.
Other phases of the article: Please select 201501,02 201 412 201 411 201 410 201 409 201 408 201 407 201 406 201 405 201 404 201 403 201 402 201 401 201 312 201 311 201 310 201 309 201 308 201 307 201 306 201 305 201 304 201 303 201 302 201 301 201 212 201 211 201 210 201 209 201 208 201 207 201 206 201 205 201 204 201 203 201 111 201 110 201 109 201 108 20120102201112 201107 201106 201105 the previous period to the next warm-up period before and after the run how to prevent knee injuries? Qin knee injury rehabilitation, supporting fid up to their knees love pay attention to maintenance, care of acute or chronic knee injury! Faced with diabetes, fid do not be afraid! There are ways to control blood sugar Beyondblue Foundation 15 years ago, how can we help Australia gradually out of the blue storm? fid Atopic dermatitis children being ridiculed, how do eat out, "Friends of sugar" to be alert to burst table sugar foods may not know the concept of three large stomach

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