Thursday, April 9, 2015

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Jane Bruun Elkjr Journalist
A few years ago moved Aase Elkjr from his home-built brick house to a smaller retirement home outside Herning. The f square foot condo is fuldstndig stuffed. It was therefore randomly Hanne Elkjr found the unpaid bills.
Aase Elkjr dementia. She can not remember how she fet the cellofanindpakkede leaves with tips for new knitting trends on the front. They are randomly scattered ruger lc9 around the apartment, says Hanne Elkjr.
She opens them again. She's only in love with the pictures on the front. She thought she was 30 years back in time, and that the leaves could hjlpe family knitwear company. The hole in the head, and sorry for her.
Margrethe Khler, Chief Consultant with older case, tilfjer that it is srlig important as prrende to have proof on that one's mother has dementia. S can lgeerklringen show that one's mother acted unconsciously when she signed the deal.
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Hanne Elkjr rgrer over the stack of unpaid bills. Although she would like to pay for them, she does not know how she can make sure it does not happen again. She does not know that her mother has done nothing wrong. It was not she who rang them up. Instead, she believes that telefonslgere br have a responsibility.
She says yes, and it takes our sells at face value. I can see that it is a problem, but I do not know how to get out of it, says Lars Schilling Jacobsen, Director of Jacobsen Publications.
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