Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Only 40 pieces.

Internationally 16. September 2009 KL. 08:16 Will you can be next door to Obama? If you have a few million of its account, you can become a neighbor of the US President. You get a view of his terrace.
The address is 5040 Greenwood Avenue in the area around Chicago University, where Obama has taught. The house is a charming old hard brick row over 500 square meters with a large garden, but it truly unique is obviously the neighbors.
Admittedly live Obama family is currently in the White House, but they have preserved house in Chicago and spend from time to time the weekend here, and you can always HBe they return to Chicago, no time in Washington running out.
One must go back to Richard M. Nixon's time to have been sold a house or apartment next to an American Président, and Garrison has obviously had difficulty finding fortilflde to assess the house.
Conversely safety is top priority. Back then Grimshaw spy mobile verizon guard moved into the early 70s bread some local roots in, even before they had unpacked. I think he will not be the next owner's problem ...
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